
Weekly Classes

My yoga classes are inspired by Iyengar, hatha, and vinyasa styles. We go beyond the physical postures (asanas) to incorporate mindfulness and breathing (pranayama) techniques.  I encourage students to remain curious and without judgement as they connect to their mind, body, and breath throughout the class. 


5:30pm – 6:45pm
Gentle Yoga
Caddie Woodlawn Elementary School Library

The class length of 1 hour 15 minutes gives you a little extra sweetness in the form of a longer centering and savasana (final resting posture). Bring your own mat, blocks, and a strap if you have them.

This class is for anyone looking for a slower, gentle yoga class. The focus will be on mind, body, and breath connection. Great for stress reduction and melting away tension. Some relaxation poses are held for several breaths to invite release of muscle tension. All-levels – beginner friendly.


$14 Drop-in

Punch Card for $108 ($12 per class)

Pre-registration not required.

Email with questions.

Private Sessions

Location mutually decided between Sara and the student after initial time and date are determined. The comfort of the Family Learning Center and Menomonie Market Food Co-op are options for us as-needed.

One-on-one yoga sessions offer an opportunity for you to receive individualized attention to suit your personal wellness and yoga goals.

All Private Sessions are 1 hour long.

You might be interested in a private yoga session if:
-You have chronic pain. 
-You have a particular issue or challenge and would like to get advice on how to adapt your yoga practice.
-You have specific goals you would like to work towards achieving. 
-You would prefer a more interactive session than a group class. 
-You would like to meet to develop a program to make your at-home practice more effective. 
-You would like to dive deeper into a specific focus of yoga (meditation, a set of poses, breath work). 

COST: $75 per session or $200 for a three session package.

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© Sara Norman Yoga 2019